I am originally from Brisbane, Australia, where I also completed a Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours First Class) from the University of Queensland (2016). Currently, I am interested in the role of robot failures during different kinds of human-robot interactions (e.g., social robots, cobots, swarms). I am skilled at research design, theory, and measurement, including quantitative statistical analyses. I have been involved in multiple interdisciplinary collaborations and published in both journals and peer-reviewed conference proceedings. I also enjoy presenting my work to both general and academic audiences. You can view some of the presentations I have given on my Media Page.
More generally, I am passionate about the intersection of psychology and technology and how psychological research methods can be applied to digital industries. I am also highly involved with open science and have contributed to multiple interdisciplinary and cross-industry events, including the organisation of a recurring workshop; CRITTER: Child-Robot Interaction and Interdisciplinary Research
Outside of my research, I enjoy staying active with a mix of rock climbing and australian football.
If you are interested in getting in touch, you can find my contact details at the bottom of the page.